The idea of these exercises is to be able to find chords as close as possible positioned together or to follow a certain bassline. We take as an example a chord progression in the key of C
|G7|G#° Am6|D9 Fmaj7|C#° G7|Cmaj7||
step 1 : make a layout of all chord intervals for each of the above chords
Not sure yet how the intervals of a chord are defined, see my page on chord formulas
Empty templates you find here : Templates
I have positioned all the chord notes of the above progression below so one can see the locations at a glance. Then highlighted with a red frame the area I want to stay in.

step 2 : Take a blank page and start drawing the chords on the first 4 strings (D, G, B & E) in a range of max 3 frets of eachother. Start from fret 1 and when done, start all over by moving a few frets higher up the neck. You do not need the Root note all the time, it can be played by the bass player or keyboard or ... any other instrument if you are in a band.
Empty templates you find here : Templates
example: (of course there are more possibilities)

Other exercises available here -> see section on daily exercises
see also :
For more details on chords you can always check the (members only) pages :
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